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UK Slopes And Facilities
Competitions On Snow
UK Competitions
Where Do I Start?

At the moment there are Freestyle clubs or activities taking place in Sheffield, Rossendale, Stoke, Kendal and Bromley.

There is also a coach based at Norwich. The number of coaches is increasing and more courses are planned for more dry slopes in the future. For more details contact your local club and dry slope.

As we have indicated, we run a number of training camps on dry slopes but you can also get to grips with it on snow.

Snowsport England organise two Freestyle training camps (Moguls and New School) a year in the French Alps with Eric Berthon, Moguls World Champion in 1986. He is currently French National Coach. Camps run July and October and involve work on piste, on trampolines, water jumps, fitness training and other recreational activities. The standard required is 'advanced skier' though you don't necessarily have to be able to ski moguls well, just get down them. There are also camps that run in North America and Steamboat Springs

Once you have joined up into the world of Freestyle you will be able to take part in the competitions for Moguls, Aerials, Acro, Half Pipe, Slopestyle and Big Air we run all over the country. In order to enter you will need to be registered as a competitor and guess what, if you are already an alpine racer you can tick the freestyle box and register as a freestyler for free! WHAT A BARGAIN!!!!

The journey from beginner to British Freestyle Skier covers a number of stages, that could ultimately take a skier to the Olympics. Check out our illustrated guide,

The Ladder To The Top.

For more information see our Courses section.

UK Slopes And Facilities

There are a great number of slopes around the country offering different challenges. Here are some examples:

Sheffield Ski Village (Known as the daddy of all Freestyle slopes) - loads of jumps, 80m Halfpipe, quarterpipe, 180 and 20m moguls (Dendix and Snowflex) and very importantly water ramp (all outdoor water facilities carry the risk of Hepatitis A for more information Click here a Vaccine is available from your GP for this. Also you should be aware of Weils Disease ) as well as 300m main slope. Regular bumps coaching on Saturdays (1:30 - 3:30pm) by England Squad coaches. Acro also coached by countries top coaches. Check out the local ski club...Sharks Ski Club

Norfolk Ski Club - 25m Snowflex moguls as well as 50 m waves and ramps.

Kendal Ski Club - Snowflex slope with bumps, jumps and quarterpipe. Watch out for this slope, it's so Freestyle friendly it should produce an Olympian.

Stoke - 30m Moguls and ramps. Possibly the scariest dry slope jump ever but fortunately onto a sweet steep landing.

Rossendale - Waves and ramps, also has one of the oldest Freestyle clubs in the UK specialist coaches in Acro.

Gloucester - New on the scene, looks like becoming a big Freestyle slope.

Bromley - 50m waves and ramps. Moguls club every Tuesday night (8:00 - 10:00 PM) perfect slope to start to improve your technique. The club is run by England Squad Coaches.

Plenty of other slopes out there that have ramps for boarders that twin tip skiers can play on and destroy.

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Competitions On Snow

British Freestyle Championships

- Moguls, Big air and skier cross competitions.

Think you could be British Champ? Do you think you have what it takes to beat the best?
E-mail for entry details.

Other European Competition:
Cham-Jam Chamonix France - Verbier Ride Switzerland - Swiss Cup Moguls.

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Competitions on plastic/artificial Snow Slopes in UK

The Freestyle Tour - Various Freestyle Comps organised by Snowsport England around the country.

Mini Moguls - run in conjunction with the Moguls Tour events for younger skiers.

Sheffield Ski Village - The Freeze
Big truly international New Skool big air event held in Sheffield every May. Lots of big European ski movie stars turn up. Other events throughout the year, usually good prizes.

Tamworth Snowdome - Hold events throughout the year.

Milton Keynes Dome - New kid on the block bumps and jumps

Ski Shows - Entry by invitation only.

Big Air Tour - Various slopes across UK, only looks at upright aerials, a la moguls.

Water Ramp Comps - All at Sheffield, various times throughout the year looks at all types of jumps including inverts.

Acro - events all over the UK.

AIMS Series - For Big Air, Slopestyle, Half Pipe & Ski Cross events all over the UK. Check out

For more details on the above you can e-mail: indicating the title of the competition you are interested in.

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